Thursday, April 28, 2011

Teresa's Story

Teresa loves to write stories.  Stories about school, about her sisters and brothers and mom and dad and how much she loves them.  Sometimes just listing all the people in our family takes up half or more of the story. 

She and KK both love to draw elaborate wedding pictures, where my hair falls to the floor and Roy and I are kissing with lips larger than our heads.  The lips always look like sideways hearts glued on top of our faces.  Sometimes I even get a tiara. The royal wedding will never be so enthusiastically remembered as ours, at least until they have little girls who love to draw.

When we got back from Mary's trip I looked forward to seeing school papers, etc.  Riffling through a whole stack of stuff, here is one of Teresa's, complete with an original illustration of two ladybugs with very large lips.

I am LoveD By Teresa Elfrink
 A grl Coms up to me    she is hot    I Love her    We kissD   we got marYD    we haD kiDss    the Boy is the wun Wat has spots the grl is the Wun wat hass no spots
Okaaaaaayyyyy.  "She is hot"??!!!  This child is six years old (which, as she patiently explained to her Papa last weekend, is the reason she hasn't REALLY learned anything this year in kindergarten.  Because she is six.  You know.)

Now let's be clear that I don't often hear people described in our house as being "hot".    "Cute", "sweet", "adorable", yes.  "Hot"?

Priests are bound by a "Confessional Seal" or something like that, ensuring that they will never EVER discuss with anyone--even the individual who made the confession--what they have heard during sacramental Confession.  I'm thinking all kindergarten teachers should be bound by something similar.  In the meantime, I'm waiting from a note from the teacher asking us to come in for a conference. 

Thankfully, Teresa's teacher has two older children who likely spilled their family secrets during kindergarten.  I'm hoping she's sympathetic.

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